Monday, October 30, 2006

I made the list!

Wow, after over a month of trying, I made the QC Online blog list. Happy days! I am proud to welcome all visitors to the home of off the wall and dead serious thought. I believe the two go together. Well, I am quite surprised, and will have to get moving and get more posts up.

A brief intro:

I am socialist, in that I believe a society rises and falls together. Poor and rich are all Americans. Everyone helps to make this land great. Except, perhaps, GW, but that's another issue.

I am a Christian, in that I follow the teachings of Christ. I believe in his social vision, and most of my moral philosophy arises from my long and continuing Christian roots. I believe in radical thankfullness, and radical forgiveness. I also believe in working on myself as much, if not more so, than preaching to others.

I am a hippie in that I go barefoot as often as possible, believe in peace, love my tiny farm, sing, unschool my kids, and have been known to have long hair, listen to folk music, and wear tie dyes.

Welcome, friends, all are friends here, and all are welcome!

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