Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Actors Studio SCHQC style part II

Here is a good article on a tangental topic to what I discussed earlier:

When it comes to doom and gloom about local arts, I would add in the fact that Friends of Chamber Music has folded altogether.

On the bright I often say...Prenzie Players has become one of the best theater groups in the area...if not the region.

A new chamber music group has opened up, but it is mostly...if not completely...Symphony run and organized.

One of the big things is generational. There aren't many people in the Baby boom generation taking on arts groups. Neither are there many younger people.

Artists, there are a-plenty. However, the race has gotten tougher. More people come from two career households. Often people work 50+ hours a week. The younger/wealthier people here (are there any?) aren't as interested in the arts. Those that are fly to Chicago and New York. The lack of a middle class, single career household has eliminated the "do it yourself" pulic artists from getting a foothold.

Some of the fault also lies wth people who have hung onto these art groups for way too long. People who haven't groomed a replacement to take over.

Then, the final blow is the professionalization of Arts leadership. Instead of looking for someone with passion, connection to the area, and knowledge of the area, we look for a degree in Marketing, or Arts Management or such the like. Someone who says what the board wants to hear and then uses us as a stepping stone to bigger and better things.

We need to go back to a local focus on arts. We need to support local arts groups. I think the media plays a big role in that (see previous posts). Artists need to reach out to a younger generation, but not pander to them. The community has to put their money into organizations and not buildings.

As always, would love to hear from you.


PS It is Sunday.

I am thankful for this weather, I am thankful for my children, I am thankful for the visitors who have stopped by this past week, and the time I've had to work on this blog (dang that's four. Oh well)

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