Saturday, December 22, 2007

Thankful Sunday

Thank you for the darkness in our lives. I find in revelatory that I was watching Sweeney Todd as the Solstice came. Movies are lights in the darkness, I suppose. Let's hope that we can all make it to church and those of us celebrating Yule can make it to those celebrations. (The Ice has just started bouncing off the windows here at the commune)

Thank you for gifts. Making gifts is hard. Thinking about the perfect gift is harder. May there be forgiveness in your life from those who don't get what they want. May all come to realize what we don't need. Especially me.

Thank you for Christmas Carols. Believing or not, and when I did and did not, there were carols with me all the while. Take time and seek out my favorite, "The Cherry Tree Carol" if you get the chance. I loved it from the moment I first sang it in high school. An American carol in every way.

This is not my last xmas post. Be sure to tune in for more.

Happy last Sunday in advent all!

Be sure to share your thanks.

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